Could a headache be a brain herniation?

I originally wrote this article for Lifelines, the school paper at Life Chiropractic College West, in 2010. The original audience was, therefore, my classmates – future chiropractors. I realize that many of you reading this blog are not chiropractors, but I still think the information is valuable for any individual to recognize the possibility of this condition in themselves or a friend. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat anyone, and you should always seek the attention of a licensed healthcare professional – preferably (if this clinical picture sounds relevant to you) a chiropractor who has experience with this condition. Further, I am happy to answer any questions by email at [email protected].                        – Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP

As chiropractors, our patients will often come in to the office with neck pain and a history of motor vehicle...

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