Discover a Method to Release Stress
and Tension, Boost Your Energy, and
Kick-Start Your Unf*ckwithable Life...
In Just Minutes a Day.


You're a leader, a high-achiever, a mover + shaker who's
deeply purpose-driven to do amazing things in this world.

To everyone on the outside, you look like you're holding it all
together, but on the inside you're feeling yourself crack...


Instead of feeling inspired and energized, you feel
more like you're pushing a ship through mud. Uphill.


You notice yourself feeling grouchy, on-edge, and irritable... sometimes you're not even sure why, but you know that
it's not supposed to be this way.

  • You can’t be fully productive with anxiety just under the surface (or perhaps starting to boil over), and tapping into true creative flow feels impossible.
  • Maybe you’ve grown accustomed to a less-than-ideal baseline that doesn’t feel right, but you’re not sure where to even begin to get back to operating at your fullest potential.
  • You want to get this under control, but you don’t have extra hours to meditate or go to the gym … and if one more doctor tells you to just "slow down" or “do less” you're going to lose it.


What you need are QUICK + SIMPLE solutions
to get you out of this slump.


that only take a few minutes
and you can slip in between
appointments, or any time
you need a moment to get
back to calm.

even when done
just a few times
per week!

Healthy and supportive
that don’t require a life overhaul to receive their positive and immediate effects.

The FASCIAL FLOW METHOD™ is a body-based

approach to release stress and tension patterns,

get your brain out of fight-or-flight, and

support you to become

more resilient and unstoppable

(or as we like to say, UNF*CKWITHABLE)

… in just minutes a day.

Learn This Revolutionary Method... Now
Available Online For The First Time.

A self-directed course accessible from the comfort of your home,
at your own pace. Get full lifetime access to all the video
lessons, reference library, handouts, audio resources, and more:

Fascial Flow Method™ - Lifetime Membership

  • The Secret to Resilience: the elegant science of using body signals to rewire your brain
  • Introduction to Fascial Flow Method™: core principles, the intelligence of survival mode, and Dr Satya's top 3 on-the-go skills
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Exercises Core Sequence: brain-hacking movements to nourish healthy brain function and build resilience to stress
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Release Sequence: quick, gentle, easy methods to release stored tension in your fascia through manual therapy and movement - no tools necessary
  • Tools to Recover From Stress Triggers that help you to be present, creative, and productive without stress derailing your day
  • Support Strategies: nutrition, ergonomics, and building your professional support team
  • Integration, Sustainability, and Becoming Unstoppable: creating your plan for success
  • Private Facebook Group to share your challenges + wins

...and your BONUSES!

  • Delicious recipes from my upcoming cookbook so you stop running on fumes and release physical tension more easily
  • Guided visualizations to reprogram your brain to activate healing and automatically unwind stored tension





3 payments of $687


Learn This Revolutionary Method... Now
Available Online For The First Time.

A self-directed course accessible from the comfort of your home,
at your own pace. Get full lifetime access to all the video
lessons, reference library, handouts, audio resources, and more:

Fascial Flow Method™ - Lifetime Membership

  • The Secret to Resilience: the elegant science of using body signals to rewire your brain
  • Introduction to Fascial Flow Method™: core principles, the intelligence of survival mode, and Dr Satya's top 3 on-the-go skills
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Exercises Core Sequence: brain-hacking movements to nourish healthy brain function and build resilience to stress
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Release Sequence: quick, gentle, easy methods to release stored tension in your fascia through manual therapy and movement - no tools necessary
  • Tools to Recover From Stress Triggers that help you to be present, creative, and productive without stress derailing your day
  • Support Strategies: nutrition, ergonomics, and building your professional support team
  • Integration, Sustainability, and Becoming Unstoppable: creating your plan for success
  • Private Facebook Group to share your challenges + wins

...and your BONUSES!

  • Delicious recipes from my upcoming cookbook so you stop running on fumes and release physical tension more easily
  • Guided visualizations to reprogram your brain to activate healing and automatically unwind stored tension





3 payments of $687


I Moved From Surviving to Thriving
You Can, Too.


For years, I suffered from chronic health challenges as a result of multiple head injuries and ongoing stress. Doctors were constantly telling me I needed to do less, and to spend more hours every day on meditation, yoga, and stress management…

… But I wasn’t willing to simply resign my life to living in a small bubble.

I didn’t want to give up my passions as a result of my challenges, so I started a learning and discovery journey that unlocked a new level of healing.

Through my experience with chiropractic neurology, movement therapy, biochemistry, craniosacral therapy and a LOT of self-study in the art of healing from within ... I recognized that releasing stored stress + tension in the body makes a profound difference in activating the body's internal ability to heal and grow.

I realized that most people (and providers) don’t know that the body itself can be a perpetuator of tension that’s keeping your brain stuck in alarm mode.

Over time, I've refined some of the most innovative and effective techniques that only require a few minutes a day - so I can fill my life with amazing things without sacrificing my health or doing less.

I'm on a mission to empower more people to
live their best lives
without compromising their
health or overhauling their entire lives.

And that's what Fascial Flow Method™ is really all about:
providing training + resources for people like you to 
reduce stress, upgrade your energy, and to live life on your own terms by activating your self-healing potential.

The Key to Healing is Through Fascia.


Other stress management techniques might help you wake up, or put on a smile, or go to sleep at night …. but what they don't do is get to the true root cause of why your body amplifies the feelings of stress in the first place.


Coping mechanisms like reaching for sugar, caffeine, and other chemical crutches only provide a temporary band-aid … while creating long-term habits that hurt your health.


And working with providers like chiropractic, massage, and physiotherapy can actually do more harm than good by re-triggering the stress response when they push your body instead of creating safety.


What you actually need is a way to bring your brain back to baseline so you can naturally release stress and get back to more important things in life!


The key to this is fluid movement.


Our brains handle stress with an intelligent response called "fight-or-flight" mode aka survival or alarm mode. Whether you’re navigating traffic or facing a tiger attack, fight-or-flight helps you survive long enough to get out of danger.


The problem is: many people don’t realize they’re stuck in fight-or-flight for weeks, months, years, and sometimes decades. Chronically elevated fight-or-flight mode leads to symptoms like:

  • chronic fatigue
  • anxiety
  • grouchy mood
  • mental fog
  • difficulty sleeping
  • allergies
  • memory challenges, and more...

The biggest missing piece for most people actually lies in the body, and understanding its built-in mechanism for handling stress.


Think about what happens when you accidentally smash your finger in a door - what’s the first thing you do? Probably shake your hand and/or squeeze it with your other hand, right?

Both of those actions activate special nerve receptors (called proprioception) that reduce pain and recover your brain back down from fight-or-flight mode to its default resting baseline.


Proprioception isn’t just for physical pain; it’s actually so important for healthy brain function that scientists have proposed that exercise might be more important for your brain than for your heart, lungs, and muscles


Proprioceptors are found all over the body, especially in joints and fascia. Fascia is the spider web-like material that dynamically suspends everything in your body. It’s the connective tissue between all bone, muscle, and organs that directly affects how your body absorbs force.


Fascia is the crucial connection between body and brain when it comes to understanding chronic fight-or-flight mode.

Things like injuries, chronic stress, dietary inflammation, or sitting at a desk all day long can prevent fascia from moving smoothly. When fascia gets stuck to muscle, bone, or even to itself, it doesn’t just affect that tight spot – it affects the entire system. ​


When you’re in chronic stress, you become vulnerable to both physical injury and stress of all kinds. Activities like yoga, going to the gym, and even normal daily activities could create uneven wear and tear, eventually leading to major damage.


And getting bodywork like chiropractic, massage, or physiotherapy can re-trigger issues, leaving you worse than when you started.


The stuck places starve your brain of normal healthy movement signals that it would use to recover from fight-or-flight mode, so now your brain has to handle all incoming stressors with one hand tied behind its back, so to speak.

In short, those stuck places in your fascia are now sending alarm signals instead, driving fight-or-flight mode even higher. 


This happens every time you move, from breathing to walking to bodywork to exercise. So now the whole system is set up with a hair-trigger response to stress, never able to fully recover back to the innate rest-digest-connect baseline.


But here's the cool part...


Nature has designed your body to get OUT of fight-or-flight with MOVEMENT by sending proprioceptive signals that reduce pain and recover the brain back down from fight-or-flight mode to its normal resting baseline.


By moving more intelligently and efficiently based on knowing where the highest density of stress-busting signaling happens… YOU can get the SAME BENEFITS as an hour of exercise in a fraction of the time.

From Surviving to THRIVING.

When you can turn down fight-or-flight mode in the brain and activate self-healing mechanisms, your body will take over and continue that softening/unwinding process on its own. This is where the magic happens!

  • You’ll wake up full of energy and no longer need to reach for sugar, caffeine, or other chemical crutches to help push you through those afternoon slumps.

  • You’ll notice feeling more calm and clear, which allows you to be more present because your brain is no longer in alarm mode.

  • You’ll “teach” your brain to become less triggered and recover from stress faster.

  • You’ll rely less heavily on chiro adjustments, massage, and other therapies to provide a temporary fix (and if you do work with those providers, you’ll now achieve longer-lasting, more powerful results while spending less time, money, and energy on that care).

Instead of needing to “empty your overflowing cup” so often, you’ll develop a bigger cup to handle life’s challenges with ease and grace.

Introducing the Fascial Flow Method™

Release Stress + Stored Tension, Boost Energy,
and Reclaim Your Life ... In Just Minutes A Day.

  • Feed Your Starving Brain

    with specific exercises that send lots of healthy proprioceptive signals without triggering alarm signals (like most exercise does).

  • Activate Self-Healing

    for a more profound ability to release stored tension and actually start the unwinding process with less effort (counter-intuitive in our culture of pushing).

  • Unwind Your Sticky Spots

    so you can spend less time, money, and energy on bodywork, and put the focus back into YOUR work that’s now more efficient and effective.

Learn This Revolutionary Method... Now
Available Online For The First Time.

Fascial Flow Method™ - Lifetime Membership

  • The Secret to Resilience: the elegant science of using body signals to rewire your brain
  • Introduction to Fascial Flow Method™: core principles, the intelligence of survival mode, and Dr Satya's top 3 on-the-go skills
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Exercises Core Sequence: brain-hacking movements to nourish healthy brain function and build resilience to stress
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Release Sequence: quick, gentle, easy methods to release stored tension in your fascia through manual therapy and movement - no tools necessary
  • Tools to Recover From Stress Triggers that help you to be present, creative, and productive without stress derailing your day
  • Support Strategies: nutrition, ergonomics, and building your professional support team
  • Integration, Sustainability, and Becoming Unstoppable: creating your plan for success
  • Private Facebook Group to share your challenges + wins

...and your BONUSES!

  • Delicious recipes from my upcoming cookbook so you stop running on fumes and release physical tension more easily
  • Guided visualizations to reprogram your brain to activate healing and automatically unwind stored tension





3 payments of $687


Introducing the Fascial Flow Method™

Release Stress + Stored Tension, Boost Energy,
and Reclaim Your Life ... In Just Minutes A Day.

Feed Your Starving Brain

with specific exercises that send lots of healthy proprioceptive signals without triggering alarm signals (like most exercise does).

Activate Self-Healing

for a more profound ability to release stored tension and actually start the unwinding process with less effort (counter-intuitive in our culture of pushing).

Unwind Your Sticky Spots

so you can spend less time, money, and energy on bodywork, and put the focus back into YOUR work that’s now more efficient and effective.

Learn This Revolutionary Method... Now
Available Online For The First Time.

Fascial Flow Method™ - Lifetime Membership

  • The Secret to Resilience: the elegant science of using body signals to rewire your brain
  • Introduction to Fascial Flow Method™: core principles, the intelligence of survival mode, and Dr Satya's top 3 on-the-go skills
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Exercises Core Sequence: brain-hacking movements to nourish healthy brain function and build resilience to stress
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Release Sequence: quick, gentle, easy methods to release stored tension in your fascia through manual therapy and movement - no tools necessary
  • Tools to Recover From Stress Triggers that help you to be present, creative, and productive without stress derailing your day
  • Support Strategies: nutrition, ergonomics, and building your professional support team
  • Integration, Sustainability, and Becoming Unstoppable: creating your plan for success
  • Private Facebook Group to share your challenges + wins

...and your BONUSES!

  • Delicious recipes from my upcoming cookbook so you stop running on fumes and release physical tension more easily
  • Guided visualizations to reprogram your brain to activate healing and automatically unwind stored tension





3 payments of $687


The Stats Speak For Themselves...


We have seen an EIGHTY PERCENT improvement in quality of life measures, including pain, anxiety, depression, sleep, and cognitive function.

This is the exact training that I presented research from at the International Conference on Movement and Cognition in Tel Aviv in 2019 where I combined data from two years of live workshops. ​​


Our research shows that participants have experienced 80% improvement in ribcage expansion (can you say deep breathing?!) and an 80% improvement in quality of life scores … This is huge. Let’s get those results for you too.


Don’t just take my word for it, let’s hear what other participants have to say...


Tiffany T
nurse & integrative coach

This work will help you heal issues with pain and improve your ability to heal yourself in the future, you will also be able to move through other challenges with more ease, have more body attunement (helps with intuitive eating) and be more focused in your work.

Marissa S
teacher & lifelong learner

Oh. My. God. Results. -- Last night and this morning, after doing that fascial release and the flow -- it's subtle but profound -- I had the most restful sleep I've had in ages. AGES. AGES! I woke up in the least-crankiest mood in ages !!!!! Was not expecting this result. Am very happily receiving it.

Katie G
mama & health enthusiast

Oh my goodness, even that one 30 sec trick you taught completely eliminated my nagging neck tension...I've spent countless $$$ and time getting massages only for the tension to keep returning. For the cost of 10 massages, this training will keep saving me for a lifetime! This training is *so* worth the investment, thank you!!

Valerie C
physician's assistant & holistic health coach

You gotta do it. It's so simple and obvious (like, intuitive). It's actually effective. You can help all kinds of people around you with bite-sizes. It's not trendy, it just is and always will be in my toolbox.

Jen D
game developer & hair stylist

I feel much more relaxed and happier than before. I feel more free with my body, not as cluttered and restricted like before. My life has definitely changed for the better because of it. I would recommend this training for someone trying to overcome chronic stress and to live a life more relaxed and freeing because life is too short to live it in constant stress.

Katerina G
engineer & mama of 3

When I do the flow exercises, I have a ton of not only extra energy, but desire to do extra projects - cook extra food in the evenings for my family, do my sewing/art projects, and I just didn't feel like lying on the couch and watching TV.

On top of all of these statements, we had an even larger number of people who shared that their biggest transformation was their state of mind.


This work goes beyond alleviating pain - it’s about being able to flow through life’s unavoidable stressors and challenges, and activating your highest potential. In this ever-changing world, we need you now more than ever!


You’ll have tools that will help you to navigate healing for a lifetime ... even through the messiness and uncertainty ... because you were meant for more.


You weren’t made to just survive. You’re here to THRIVE.

Fascial Flow Method™ - Lifetime Membership

  • The Secret to Resilience: the elegant science of using body signals to rewire your brain
  • Introduction to Fascial Flow Method™: core principles, the intelligence of survival mode, and Dr Satya's top 3 on-the-go skills
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Exercises Core Sequence: brain-hacking movements to nourish healthy brain function and build resilience to stress
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Release Sequence: quick, gentle, easy methods to release stored tension in your fascia through manual therapy and movement - no tools necessary
  • Tools to Recover From Stress Triggers that help you to be present, creative, and productive without stress derailing your day
  • Support Strategies: nutrition, ergonomics, and building your professional support team
  • Integration, Sustainability, and Becoming Unstoppable: creating your plan for success
  • Private Facebook Group to share your challenges + wins

...and your BONUSES!

  • Delicious recipes from my upcoming cookbook so you stop running on fumes and release physical tension more easily
  • Guided visualizations to reprogram your brain to activate healing and automatically unwind stored tension





3 payments of $687


On top of all of these statements, we had an even larger number of people who shared that their biggest transformation was their state of mind.


This work goes beyond alleviating pain - it’s about being able to flow through life’s unavoidable stressors and challenges, and activating your highest potential. In this ever-changing world, we need you now more than ever!


You’ll have tools that will help you to navigate healing for a lifetime ... even through the messiness and uncertainty ... because you were meant for more.


You weren’t made to just survive. You’re here to THRIVE.

Fascial Flow Method™ - Lifetime Membership

  • The Secret to Resilience: the elegant science of using body signals to rewire your brain
  • Introduction to Fascial Flow Method™: core principles, the intelligence of survival mode, and Dr Satya's top 3 on-the-go skills
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Exercises Core Sequence: brain-hacking movements to nourish healthy brain function and build resilience to stress
  • Fascial Flow Method™ Release Sequence: quick, gentle, easy methods to release stored tension in your fascia through manual therapy and movement - no tools necessary
  • Tools to Recover From Stress Triggers that help you to be present, creative, and productive without stress derailing your day
  • Support Strategies: nutrition, ergonomics, and building your professional support team
  • Integration, Sustainability, and Becoming Unstoppable: creating your plan for success
  • Private Facebook Group to share your challenges + wins

...and your BONUSES!

  • Delicious recipes from my upcoming cookbook so you stop running on fumes and release physical tension more easily
  • Guided visualizations to reprogram your brain to activate healing and automatically unwind stored tension





3 payments of $687



Dr. Satya's Live Video Q+A Sesh

What will happen once I join?
You will get an email with instant access to the full Fascial Flow Method™ home study program. As soon as you make your purchase, you’ll immediately receive an email with your login information to access the course content.


What if I'm in pain? Is this course right for me?
This work was developed to help people move forward even during very painful times. That said, it's crucial to take it slow, listen to your body, and never push through increased pain. In fact, this course teaches you how to know where your ‘edge’ is so you don’t quash the healing process with this or any other techniques. Of course, make sure to consult with your doctor/provider before beginning any new program - especially if you are in pain and/or injured.


Is this exercise?
Fascial Flow Method™ includes a movement component, but it is focused on smooth fluid motion (as opposed to endurance, aerobics, conditioning, or other demanding/strenuous movement often associated with the term ‘exercise’). So don’t expect to get your heart rate up with this practice - it won’t replace your regular exercise routine :) That said, FFM is a movement practice specifically designed to activate healthy brain function, giving you the scientifically proven benefits of exercise for stress management in a fraction of the time. You’ll also be able to enjoy movement without the risk of injury or added stress.


I'm not THAT stressed out. Do I still need this?
Sound familiar? Well, our brains can handle a lot under the surface, but much like we’re supposed to get the oil changed in our car and our tires balanced instead of waiting for a blow-out; we’ve gotta step up our self-care game around stress, too (rather than waiting for a crisis to hit).


My body doesn't hurt or feel tight/stuck. Do I still need this?
Did you know we don’t always feel it? If you ARE in pain, you’re lucky - you know something is wrong … and it’s definitely time to address it. BUT it’s important to be proactive especially because there could be significant things under the surface.


I’m already doing yoga, dance, or other movement practices. How will this help me?
Fascial Flow Method™ is specifically designed to retrain your nervous system back to its resting baseline of rest-digest-connect … and to do it much faster than yoga or any other practice.


I already meditate. Do I still need this?
Meditation is wonderful, but it requires a lot of mental fortitude (and time). When you use the Fascial Flow Method™, you can dedicate your time to going deeper with meditation rather than burning up your energy just trying to regain baseline. In short, as a supplement to other methods, this work will help you to get results faster and easier.


I’m not sure if I can afford it right now.
While it might feel like an investment, what’s truly priceless is your HEALTH.  We can’t always control the challenges and stressors that come up in life, you CAN control how you react to them. By taking control with a tangible plan like the one I’ve laid out for you in this program, you’re taking powerful steps in regaining your health.

Little daily stressors can add up to create bigger challenges down the road, which ends up costing a lot more in terms of healthcare expenses and lost income, not to mention the strain it puts on close relationships.

If you think about the value of your health and its impact on all other areas of your life, you can’t afford to not take care of your health starting today.

I specifically created this course to be more accessible than ever to put the power to take control of your health back in your hands.


How long do I have access to the course?
The great news is that you'll have lifetime access.


​What if I don't like it, can I get a refund?

Due to the digital nature of this program we are unable to offer refunds. However, if you have any questions that you would like to ask then please send them to us at [email protected] to make sure you’re making the right decision before purchasing.


Dr. Satya's Live Video Q+A Sesh

What will happen once I join?
You will get an email with instant access to the full Fascial Flow Method™ home study program. As soon as you make your purchase, you’ll immediately receive an email with your login information to access the course content.


What if I'm in pain? Is this course right for me?
This work was developed to help people move forward even during very painful times. That said, it's crucial to take it slow, listen to your body, and never push through increased pain. In fact, this course teaches you how to know where your ‘edge’ is so you don’t quash the healing process with this or any other techniques. Of course, make sure to consult with your doctor/provider before beginning any new program - especially if you are in pain and/or injured.


Is this exercise?
Fascial Flow Method™ includes a movement component, but it is focused on smooth fluid motion (as opposed to endurance, aerobics, conditioning, or other demanding/strenuous movement often associated with the term ‘exercise’). So don’t expect to get your heart rate up with this practice - it won’t replace your regular exercise routine :) That said, FFM is a movement practice specifically designed to activate healthy brain function, giving you the scientifically proven benefits of exercise for stress management in a fraction of the time. You’ll also be able to enjoy movement without the risk of injury or added stress.


I'm not THAT stressed out. Do I still need this?
Sound familiar? Well, our brains can handle a lot under the surface, but much like we’re supposed to get the oil changed in our car and our tires balanced instead of waiting for a blow-out; we’ve gotta step up our self-care game around stress, too (rather than waiting for a crisis to hit).


My body doesn't hurt or feel tight/stuck. Do I still need this?
Did you know we don’t always feel it? If you ARE in pain, you’re lucky - you know something is wrong … and it’s definitely time to address it. BUT it’s important to be proactive especially because there could be significant things under the surface.


I’m already doing yoga, dance, or other movement practices. How will this help me?
Fascial Flow Method™ is specifically designed to retrain your nervous system back to its resting baseline of rest-digest-connect … and to do it much faster than yoga or any other practice.


I already meditate. Do I still need this?
Meditation is wonderful, but it requires a lot of mental fortitude (and time). When you use the Fascial Flow Method™, you can dedicate your time to going deeper with meditation rather than burning up your energy just trying to regain baseline. In short, as a supplement to other methods, this work will help you to get results faster and easier.


I’m not sure if I can afford it right now.
While it might feel like an investment, what’s truly priceless is your HEALTH.  We can’t always control the challenges and stressors that come up in life, you CAN control how you react to them. By taking control with a tangible plan like the one I’ve laid out for you in this program, you’re taking powerful steps in regaining your health.

Little daily stressors can add up to create bigger challenges down the road, which ends up costing a lot more in terms of healthcare expenses and lost income, not to mention the strain it puts on close relationships.

If you think about the value of your health and its impact on all other areas of your life, you can’t afford to not take care of your health starting today.

I specifically created this course to be more accessible than ever to put the power to take control of your health back in your hands.


How long do I have access to the course?
The great news is that you'll have lifetime access.


​What if I don't like it, can I get a refund?

Due to the digital nature of this program we are unable to offer refunds. However, if you have any questions that you would like to ask then please send them to us at [email protected] to make sure you’re making the right decision before purchasing.